Parents |
accessory Weight: 0.64 ,
electronic deviceWeight: 0.61 ,
gearWeight: 0.60 ,
lightWeight: 0.60 ,
objectWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
light bulb Weight: 0.34 ,
lanyardWeight: 0.34 ,
chargerWeight: 0.34 ,
tripodWeight: 0.34 ,
holsterWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
have lights | 1.00 |
have red lights | 0.95 |
have green lights | 0.94 |
have light | 0.80 |
have red light | 0.79 |
be better than bulbs | 0.76 |
be better than halogen flashlights | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |