Parents |
item Weight: 0.60 ,
parameterWeight: 0.58 ,
objectWeight: 0.58 ,
characteristicWeight: 0.57 ,
issueWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
filename Weight: 0.34 ,
manila folderWeight: 0.33 ,
logoWeight: 0.33 ,
bookmarkWeight: 0.32 ,
highlighterWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be measured in microsoft word | 1.00 |
be in photoshop | 0.84 |
be small in photoshop | 0.84 |
look in photoshop | 0.82 |
be on os | 0.81 |
be on os important | 0.81 |
be pixelated in photoshop | 0.79 |
render better in firefox | 0.76 |
look better on mac | 0.75 |
look in firefox | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |