Parents |
meeting Weight: 0.67 ,
eventWeight: 0.65 ,
functionWeight: 0.57 ,
dayWeight: 0.54
Siblings |
birthday party Weight: 0.71 ,
picnicWeight: 0.66 ,
retreatWeight: 0.63 ,
conventionWeight: 0.61 ,
conferenceWeight: 0.61
Property | Similarity |
be better than yugioh | 1.00 |
be shorter than summer | 0.79 |
get longer | 0.79 |
getting longer | 0.79 |
make pain worse | 0.78 |
be longer than nights at certain times | 0.78 |
be longer than nights at certain times of year | 0.78 |
is harder | 0.78 |
be longer than nights | 0.78 |
be longer than nights at times | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |