Parents |
grocery store Weight: 0.64 ,
monsterWeight: 0.62 ,
companyWeight: 0.61 ,
teamWeight: 0.56 ,
brandWeight: 0.54
Siblings |
siemens Weight: 0.59 ,
boeingWeight: 0.57 ,
cyclopsWeight: 0.53 ,
mitsubishiWeight: 0.50 ,
aetnaWeight: 0.45
Property | Similarity |
be in movies slow | 1.00 |
be in movies | 0.90 |
move slowly in movies | 0.88 |
move in movies | 0.88 |
is slow | 0.84 |
move slow | 0.80 |
be thought slow | 0.79 |
be shown really slow | 0.79 |
be shown slow | 0.78 |
be depicted as slow | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |