Parents |
safety glass Weight: 0.74 ,
barrierWeight: 0.64 ,
wallWeight: 0.64 ,
raw materialWeight: 0.62 ,
liquidWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
windshield Weight: 0.35 ,
liquid waterWeight: 0.34 ,
liquid crystalWeight: 0.34 ,
aluminumWeight: 0.34 ,
wood pulpWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be better than plastic | 1.00 |
feel different than plastic | 0.94 |
higher quality than plastic | 0.92 |
feel like plastic | 0.89 |
be made of plastic | 0.88 |
stay plastic | 0.86 |
stay then plastic | 0.85 |
stay colder then plastic | 0.84 |
stay colder plastic | 0.84 |
be harder than white glass | 0.83 |
Cues |
Evidence |