Parents |
hero Weight: 0.64 ,
godWeight: 0.61 ,
manWeight: 0.58 ,
nameWeight: 0.56 ,
characterWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
superman Weight: 0.34 ,
hulkWeight: 0.33 ,
buddhaWeight: 0.33 ,
jesus christWeight: 0.33 ,
osama bin ladenWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
was considered hero | 1.00 |
be considered hero | 0.99 |
was hero | 0.96 |
is hero | 0.94 |
is greatest hero | 0.86 |
is epic hero | 0.84 |
be hero in mythology | 0.83 |
is hero essay | 0.83 |
be greatest hero of greece | 0.80 |
greatest hero of greece | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |