Parents |
dictator Weight: 0.74 ,
christianWeight: 0.70 ,
evilWeight: 0.65 ,
tyrantWeight: 0.64 ,
monsterWeight: 0.64
Siblings |
saddam hussein Weight: 0.40 ,
jesusWeight: 0.37 ,
george bushWeight: 0.36 ,
john lockeWeight: 0.35 ,
nazismWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
was captain of germany | 1.00 |
was pupular in germany | 0.86 |
was important to germany | 0.85 |
was popular in germany | 0.83 |
be thought in in germany | 0.83 |
come in germany | 0.83 |
get power in germany | 0.81 |
take over germany | 0.81 |
take power in germany | 0.81 |
get rule over germany | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |