Parents |
flower Weight: 0.76 ,
plantWeight: 0.61 ,
vineWeight: 0.57 ,
thingWeight: 0.51
Siblings |
hibiscus Weight: 0.39 ,
chrysanthemumWeight: 0.39 ,
lilyWeight: 0.38 ,
hyacinthWeight: 0.38
Property | Similarity |
leaves curl | 1.00 |
leaves turn brown | 0.83 |
leaves turn yellow | 0.82 |
leaves turn white | 0.82 |
leaves brown | 0.81 |
have leaves | 0.81 |
leaves turn red | 0.81 |
have brown leaves | 0.81 |
leaves turn black | 0.81 |
leaves white | 0.80 |
Cues |
Evidence |