Parents |
substance Weight: 0.65 ,
fuelWeight: 0.64 ,
oxygenWeight: 0.62 ,
chemical reactionWeight: 0.61 ,
gasWeight: 0.61
Siblings |
acetylene Weight: 0.51 ,
hydrogen sulfideWeight: 0.38 ,
hydrogen fluorideWeight: 0.37 ,
hydrogen sulphideWeight: 0.37 ,
fuel oilWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be different from other elements | 1.00 |
be different from elements | 0.98 |
be similar from other elements | 0.96 |
be similar to other elements | 0.95 |
be unique from other elements | 0.94 |
be similar from elements | 0.93 |
differ from other elements | 0.91 |
be similar to elements | 0.91 |
be separated from other elements | 0.90 |
be unique from elements | 0.90 |
Cues |
Evidence |