Parents |
chemical reaction Weight: 0.65 ,
processWeight: 0.64 ,
reactionWeight: 0.58 ,
factorWeight: 0.55 ,
problemWeight: 0.49
Siblings |
fermentation Weight: 0.36 ,
oxidationWeight: 0.36 ,
phagocytosisWeight: 0.35 ,
oxidative phosphorylationWeight: 0.35 ,
digestionWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
take longer than hydrolysis of sucrose | 1.00 |
yield glycerol | 0.81 |
be called saponification | 0.79 |
depend on shell of electrons of carbohydrate | 0.77 |
depend on outer shell of electrons of carbohydrate | 0.77 |
is exothermic | 0.76 |
yield fatty acids | 0.76 |
yield acids | 0.76 |
is catabolic | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |