Parents |
financial institution Weight: 0.62 ,
business activityWeight: 0.61 ,
strategyWeight: 0.58 ,
conceptWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
savings account Weight: 0.67 ,
currencyWeight: 0.62 ,
purchaseWeight: 0.61 ,
stockWeight: 0.61 ,
advertisingWeight: 0.60
Property | Similarity |
be inversely related to interest rate | 1.00 |
be negatively related to interest rate | 0.88 |
calculate interest rates | 0.84 |
depend on interest rate | 0.83 |
depend on real interest rate | 0.82 |
have low interest | 0.80 |
be correlated | 0.78 |
have weak exchange rate | 0.77 |
have exchange rate | 0.77 |
have interest | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |