Parents |
chemical Weight: 0.67 ,
elementWeight: 0.63 ,
substanceWeight: 0.60 ,
mineralWeight: 0.60 ,
disinfectantWeight: 0.55
Siblings |
gadolinium Weight: 0.40 ,
ammonium nitrateWeight: 0.37 ,
sodium nitrateWeight: 0.37 ,
sodium chlorideWeight: 0.37 ,
arsenicWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be than fluorine | 1.00 |
have than fluorine | 1.00 |
be more polarizable than fluorine | 0.99 |
be more reactive than fluorine | 0.95 |
be soluble in cyclohexane | 0.80 |
be more soluble in in heptane | 0.80 |
limit reactant in zinc iodide | 0.79 |
be soluble in hexane | 0.79 |
be more soluble than water | 0.77 |
be more reactive than chlorine | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |