Parents |
man Weight: 0.63 ,
countyWeight: 0.61 ,
townWeight: 0.61 ,
tv showWeight: 0.59 ,
libertarianWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
jesse james Weight: 0.36 ,
sherlock holmesWeight: 0.36 ,
john smithWeight: 0.36 ,
michael jacksonWeight: 0.35 ,
adam smithWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
is civil war hero | 1.00 |
is war hero | 0.92 |
was important to civil war | 0.91 |
was important in regards to civil war | 0.86 |
was important to cilvil war | 0.82 |
was important to war | 0.82 |
was involved in revolutionary war | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |