Parents |
marsupial Weight: 0.73 ,
creatureWeight: 0.67 ,
animalWeight: 0.66 ,
thingWeight: 0.62 ,
wild animalWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
kangaroo rat Weight: 0.39 ,
wallabyWeight: 0.37 ,
crocodileWeight: 0.37 ,
possumWeight: 0.37 ,
lizardWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
is animals | 1.00 |
is wild animals | 0.90 |
is animal | 0.90 |
is endangered animals | 0.89 |
communicate with animals of species | 0.86 |
communicate with other animals of species | 0.85 |
communicate with animals of same species | 0.85 |
communicate with other animals of same species | 0.83 |
communicate with animals | 0.83 |
is strange animal | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |