Parents |
team Weight: 0.68 ,
gameWeight: 0.67 ,
sportWeight: 0.66 ,
activityWeight: 0.58 ,
soccerWeight: 0.55
Siblings |
basketball team Weight: 0.38 ,
hockey gameWeight: 0.38 ,
football teamWeight: 0.37 ,
baseball gameWeight: 0.36 ,
baseball teamWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be tiny compared to sports | 1.00 |
be tiny compared to other sports | 0.99 |
be tiny compared to major sports | 0.96 |
be tiny compared to other major sports | 0.95 |
be different from sports | 0.80 |
be different from other sports | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |