Parents |
item Weight: 0.58 ,
recordWeight: 0.57 ,
articleWeight: 0.54 ,
bookWeight: 0.51 ,
accountWeight: 0.49
Siblings |
line item Weight: 0.32 ,
payrollWeight: 0.32 ,
savings accountWeight: 0.32 ,
business cardWeight: 0.32 ,
postage stampWeight: 0.31
Property | Similarity |
be called book | 1.00 |
be called book of entry | 0.83 |
be called principal book | 0.81 |
be called book of final entry | 0.79 |
book of entry | 0.79 |
king of books | 0.75 |
book of final entry | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |