Parents |
name Weight: 0.61 ,
constellationWeight: 0.60 ,
signWeight: 0.53 ,
manWeight: 0.53
Siblings |
jacob Weight: 0.34 ,
albert einsteinWeight: 0.34 ,
sagittariusWeight: 0.34 ,
charles darwinWeight: 0.34 ,
adam smithWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be attracted to taurus | 1.00 |
be attracted to scorpio | 0.90 |
be attracted to libras | 0.86 |
be attracted to scorpios | 0.86 |
be attracted to aquarius | 0.86 |
be attracted to capricorn | 0.86 |
be attracted to virgos | 0.86 |
be attracted to sagittarius | 0.86 |
attract scorpios | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |