Parents |
bookstore Weight: 0.67 ,
documentWeight: 0.64 ,
buildingWeight: 0.63 ,
facilityWeight: 0.62
Siblings |
classroom Weight: 0.70 ,
public libraryWeight: 0.66 ,
compilerWeight: 0.55 ,
archivesWeight: 0.53 ,
bootstrapWeight: 0.45
Property | Similarity |
have books | 1.00 |
get books | 0.97 |
get new books | 0.94 |
sell books | 0.89 |
classify books in library | 0.86 |
throw out books | 0.85 |
get rid of books | 0.84 |
lend books | 0.83 |
have limited copies of ebooks | 0.83 |
discard books | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |