Parents |
work Weight: 0.58 ,
placeWeight: 0.57 ,
locationWeight: 0.55 ,
spaceWeight: 0.54 ,
areaWeight: 0.53
Siblings |
entrance hall Weight: 0.32 ,
hallwayWeight: 0.32 ,
city hallWeight: 0.32 ,
hallWeight: 0.32 ,
foyerWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be used to large build | 1.00 |
be at large build | 0.99 |
be at build | 0.87 |
be a part of build | 0.86 |
be at any build | 0.83 |
be used to enter build | 0.82 |
be at large home | 0.82 |
be at public build | 0.80 |
be at any public build | 0.79 |
be at office build | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |