Parents |
skin cancer Weight: 0.84 ,
tumorWeight: 0.83 ,
breast cancerWeight: 0.80 ,
heart diseaseWeight: 0.76
Siblings |
prostate cancer Weight: 0.88 ,
asthmaWeight: 0.64 ,
asbestosisWeight: 0.48 ,
smokerWeight: 0.47
Property | Similarity |
be spread among humans | 1.00 |
be spread | 0.87 |
spread to person | 0.84 |
spread to brain | 0.80 |
spread to liver | 0.78 |
be different from other types of disease | 0.76 |
be much more common than good mutating | 0.76 |
be much more common than mutating | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |