Parents |
thing Weight: 0.61 ,
placeWeight: 0.58 ,
qualityWeight: 0.56 ,
wordWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
other place Weight: 0.34 ,
thinkWeight: 0.33 ,
rememberWeight: 0.32 ,
getWeight: 0.32 ,
keepWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be defined as gerundial of make | 1.00 |
be use as define measure | 0.83 |
be defined as act power or process of think | 0.80 |
be defined as past tense of make | 0.78 |
be defined as basis of language | 0.78 |
be less important than mean | 0.76 |
be used to make good move | 0.76 |
be defined as small unit carry denotation | 0.75 |
do not work well | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |