Parents |
girl Weight: 0.65 ,
motherWeight: 0.59 ,
schoolWeight: 0.59 ,
individualWeight: 0.59 ,
collegeWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
elizabeth Weight: 0.36 ,
nancyWeight: 0.35 ,
aliceWeight: 0.35 ,
dianaWeight: 0.35 ,
lisaWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be good model of faith | 1.00 |
was model of faith | 0.97 |
be exemplar of faith | 0.83 |
is good role model for christians | 0.82 |
be model of church | 0.82 |
is perfect role model for christians | 0.80 |
be model of holiness | 0.79 |
is role model | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |