Parents |
carbon monoxide Weight: 0.68 ,
hydrocarbonWeight: 0.66 ,
natural gasWeight: 0.66 ,
moleculeWeight: 0.65 ,
carbon dioxideWeight: 0.64
Siblings |
sulfur dioxide Weight: 0.37 ,
hydrogen sulfideWeight: 0.37 ,
carbon tetrachlorideWeight: 0.36 ,
water vaporWeight: 0.36 ,
nitrogenWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
has state gas | 1.00 |
be called gas wirte | 0.91 |
be found in gas same as gasoline | 0.86 |
be found in gas | 0.85 |
exist as gas | 0.85 |
be found in natural gas same as gasoline | 0.85 |
be found in gas same | 0.82 |
be found in natural gas | 0.80 |
be similar to gasoline | 0.80 |
be called greenhouse gas | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |