Parents |
chemical Weight: 0.67 ,
liquidWeight: 0.63 ,
fuelWeight: 0.63 ,
productWeight: 0.62 ,
chemical compoundWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
formic acid Weight: 0.62 ,
ethylene glycolWeight: 0.38 ,
hydrogen peroxideWeight: 0.37 ,
sulfur dioxideWeight: 0.37 ,
ethylene oxideWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
is good fuel | 1.00 |
is fuel | 0.96 |
be used as fuel | 0.92 |
is clean fuel | 0.90 |
be used as fuel in car racing | 0.83 |
be less volatile than petrol | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |