Parents |
new mexico Weight: 0.76 ,
central american countryWeight: 0.69 ,
nationWeight: 0.61 ,
cityWeight: 0.61 ,
south americaWeight: 0.60
Siblings |
san diego Weight: 0.66 ,
californiaWeight: 0.62 ,
brazilWeight: 0.62 ,
mexico cityWeight: 0.39 ,
nevadaWeight: 0.38
Property | Similarity |
be viewed as third world country | 1.00 |
be viewed as world country | 0.96 |
be third world country | 0.91 |
be considered country | 0.87 |
be world country | 0.85 |
be called country | 0.82 |
be country | 0.82 |
is country | 0.81 |
be considered developing country | 0.81 |
is nation | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |