Parents |
cell Weight: 0.68 ,
neuronWeight: 0.67 ,
peripheral nervous systemWeight: 0.65 ,
nervous systemWeight: 0.63 ,
spinal cordWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
sperm cell Weight: 0.37 ,
dopamineWeight: 0.36 ,
astrocyteWeight: 0.36 ,
muscle cellWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be known as efferent neurons | 1.00 |
be known as neurons | 0.97 |
receive instructions from neurons | 0.86 |
have axons | 0.85 |
have long axons | 0.85 |
receive instructions from adjacent neurons | 0.85 |
is myelinated | 0.82 |
have dendrites | 0.81 |
have short dendrites | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |