Parents |
animal Weight: 0.75 ,
wild animalWeight: 0.74 ,
mountainWeight: 0.69 ,
mammalWeight: 0.68 ,
wildlifeWeight: 0.66
Siblings |
goat Weight: 0.39 ,
llamaWeight: 0.39 ,
cape buffaloWeight: 0.37 ,
prairie dogWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
protect from attack | 1.00 |
protect from attack of goats | 0.87 |
protect from attack of other goats | 0.87 |
help from attacks | 0.85 |
be adapted help from attacks | 0.81 |
protect from predators | 0.79 |
help from attacks of other goats | 0.77 |
be adapted protect | 0.77 |
help from attacks of goats | 0.76 |
be adapted help from attacks of other goats | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |