Parents |
illness Weight: 0.67 ,
diseaseWeight: 0.65 ,
vaccineWeight: 0.59 ,
infectionWeight: 0.56 ,
conditionWeight: 0.53
Siblings |
measles Weight: 0.38 ,
gastroenteritisWeight: 0.37 ,
fluWeight: 0.37 ,
influenzaWeight: 0.37 ,
lyme diseaseWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
is dangerous | 1.00 |
be dangerous for boys | 0.84 |
be more dangerous in adults | 0.81 |
is serious threat | 0.77 |
be in humans difficult | 0.75 |
CAN can deadly | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |