Parents |
country Weight: 0.58 ,
placeWeight: 0.51 ,
regionWeight: 0.47 ,
stateWeight: 0.41
Siblings |
central african republic Weight: 0.33 ,
maliWeight: 0.33 ,
equatorial guineaWeight: 0.33 ,
zambiaWeight: 0.33 ,
antarcticaWeight: 0.33
Property | Similarity |
have low hdi | 1.00 |
be low on water | 0.89 |
have low literacy rate | 0.77 |
have lowest cancer rate | 0.77 |
have low life expectancy | 0.76 |
have high death rate | 0.76 |
have high birth rate | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |