Parents |
vessel Weight: 0.69 ,
truckWeight: 0.68 ,
vehicleWeight: 0.64 ,
tankerWeight: 0.61 ,
boatWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
dump truck Weight: 0.36 ,
pickup truckWeight: 0.36 ,
submarineWeight: 0.35 ,
tugboatWeight: 0.35 ,
bargeWeight: 0.35
Property | Similarity |
be at on sea | 1.00 |
be at sea | 0.98 |
travel in sea and ocean | 0.92 |
be at bottom of sea | 0.89 |
be at ocean | 0.87 |
be used to transportation at sea | 0.86 |
be used to travel across sea | 0.86 |
sail through sea | 0.86 |
be sail across sea | 0.85 |
be used to hold ocean down | 0.84 |
Cues |
Evidence |