Parents |
size Weight: 0.55 ,
unitWeight: 0.53 ,
weightWeight: 0.50 ,
quantityWeight: 0.48
Siblings |
pound Weight: 0.32 ,
gallonWeight: 0.31 ,
gramWeight: 0.30 ,
mlWeight: 0.30 ,
diameterWeight: 0.30
Property | Similarity |
be used as two types | 1.00 |
be used as two different types | 0.98 |
be used as two different types of units | 0.93 |
be used as two types of units | 0.92 |
be used as two different types of units of measurement | 0.89 |
be used as two types of units of measurement | 0.87 |
be frequently used rather than masses | 0.76 |
be used today | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |