Parents |
chemical Weight: 0.66 ,
substrateWeight: 0.65 ,
compoundWeight: 0.62 ,
chemical compoundWeight: 0.61 ,
resinWeight: 0.58
Siblings |
gallic acid Weight: 0.59 ,
salicylateWeight: 0.57 ,
thymolWeight: 0.43 ,
ethylene glycolWeight: 0.37 ,
sulfur dioxideWeight: 0.37
Property | Similarity |
be called carbolic acid | 1.00 |
be called acid | 0.94 |
be regarded as acid | 0.83 |
be more soluble than salicylic acid | 0.83 |
is blue used as indicator for titration of acetic acid | 0.83 |
is weak acid | 0.82 |
be more soluble than acid | 0.81 |
be considered as acid oxide | 0.79 |
is blue used as indicator for titration of acid | 0.79 |
be called pure substances | 0.78 |
Cues |
Evidence |