Parents |
material Weight: 0.63 ,
ionWeight: 0.62 ,
metalWeight: 0.61 ,
chemicalWeight: 0.60 ,
mineralWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
ammonium nitrate Weight: 0.37 ,
sodium chlorideWeight: 0.37 ,
chlorideWeight: 0.37 ,
sodium phosphateWeight: 0.36 ,
sodium nitrateWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be different from red phosphorus | 1.00 |
be called phosphorus | 0.94 |
be named phosphorus | 0.92 |
limit nutrient in freshwater | 0.81 |
is nutrient | 0.78 |
limit nutrient in ecosystems | 0.77 |
be more reactive than nitrogen | 0.76 |
be acidic trioxide | 0.75 |
is phosphate | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |