Parents |
sign Weight: 0.56 ,
zodiacWeight: 0.43 ,
timeWeight: 0.39 ,
capricornWeight: 0.39 ,
friendWeight: 0.36
Siblings |
stop sign Weight: 0.29 ,
american sign languageWeight: 0.28 ,
street signWeight: 0.28 ,
readingWeight: 0.27 ,
tableWeight: 0.27
Property | Similarity |
be attracted to libras | 1.00 |
be attracted to geminis | 1.00 |
be attracted to aquarius | 1.00 |
be attracted to virgos | 1.00 |
be attracted to scorpio | 0.90 |
be attracted to aries | 0.85 |
be attracted to cancer | 0.81 |
be attracted to virgo | 0.81 |
Cues |
Evidence |