Parents |
power plant Weight: 0.83 ,
chemical plantWeight: 0.73 ,
potted plantWeight: 0.59 ,
subjectWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
nuclear power plant Weight: 0.85 ,
apple treeWeight: 0.67 ,
aloe veraWeight: 0.67 ,
chrysanthemumWeight: 0.67
Property | Similarity |
live without water | 1.00 |
die without water | 0.90 |
live with little water | 0.89 |
live off of water | 0.89 |
live under water | 0.88 |
live in place with water | 0.88 |
live in place with little water | 0.87 |
live under water different | 0.86 |
survive periods without drinking water | 0.85 |
live near surface of water | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |