Parents |
south pole Weight: 0.67 ,
placeWeight: 0.58 ,
materialWeight: 0.57 ,
carWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
north pole Weight: 0.63 ,
lapWeight: 0.32 ,
police carWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be different from south pole geographically | 1.00 |
be different from pole geographically | 0.98 |
be different from south pole | 0.91 |
be better than north pole | 0.88 |
be called north pole | 0.87 |
be different from pole | 0.86 |
be vs south north pole | 0.85 |
be colder than north pole | 0.84 |
be colder than south pole | 0.84 |
be vs north pole | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |