position: be in basketball

from Quasimodo
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient

Related concepts

Parents consideration
Weight: 0.63
, authority
Weight: 0.61
, dimension
Weight: 0.60
, strategy
Weight: 0.59
Siblings third base
Weight: 0.72
, spot
Weight: 0.71
, post
Weight: 0.67
, shortstop
Weight: 0.65
, standing
Weight: 0.64

Related properties

Property Similarity
be in basketball 1.00
work in soccer 0.84
be important in gymnastics 0.78

Priors about this statement


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Joint Necessity Sufficiency Implication Entailment Contradiction Entropy


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient


Salient implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.28
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.11
¬ Salient(position, be in basketball)

Similarity expansion

Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.73
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.10
Remarkable(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.29
¬ Remarkable(position, work in soccer)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.52
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.11
Salient(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.54
¬ Salient(position, work in soccer)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.50
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.39
Typical(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.83
¬ Typical(position, work in soccer)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.51
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.10
Remarkable(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.54
¬ Remarkable(position, be important in gymnastics)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.43
Similarity weight: 0.84
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.65
¬ Plausible(position, work in soccer)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.45
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.39
Typical(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.91
¬ Typical(position, be important in gymnastics)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.24
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.86
¬ Plausible(position, be important in gymnastics)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.21
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.11
Salient(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.90
¬ Salient(position, be important in gymnastics)

Typical and Remarkable implies Salient

Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.97
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.11
Salient(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.39
¬ Typical(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.10
¬ Remarkable(position, be in basketball)

Typical implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.48
Evidence weight: 0.65
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.12
Plausible(position, be in basketball)
Evidence: 0.39
¬ Typical(position, be in basketball)