Parents |
leader Weight: 0.59 ,
churchWeight: 0.56 ,
manWeight: 0.56 ,
religious leaderWeight: 0.55
Siblings |
old man Weight: 0.34 ,
priestWeight: 0.34 ,
young manWeight: 0.34 ,
politicianWeight: 0.34 ,
evangelistWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
ask for money | 1.00 |
ask person for money | 0.97 |
wish for money | 0.86 |
need money | 0.86 |
take your money | 0.85 |
ask too much | 0.85 |
decide what to do | 0.83 |
borrow some money | 0.81 |
spend money | 0.81 |
be used to gather fund for help others | 0.80 |
Cues |
Evidence |