Parents |
atmospheric pressure Weight: 0.67 ,
challengeWeight: 0.63 ,
factorWeight: 0.62 ,
mechanismWeight: 0.61 ,
limitationWeight: 0.59
Siblings |
burden Weight: 0.34 ,
influenceWeight: 0.34 ,
frictionWeight: 0.33 ,
motivationWeight: 0.32 ,
intensityWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
affect boiling point | 1.00 |
have affect on boiling point | 0.99 |
affect boiling point of water | 0.98 |
affect boiling point of matter | 0.97 |
affect boiling | 0.96 |
change boiling point | 0.96 |
affects boiling point | 0.95 |
affect boiling points | 0.95 |
affect boiling point of liquid | 0.95 |
affect boiling points of matter | 0.94 |
Cues |
Evidence |