Parents |
election Weight: 0.63 ,
termWeight: 0.57 ,
optionWeight: 0.55 ,
eventWeight: 0.52 ,
strategyWeight: 0.50
Siblings |
general election Weight: 0.64 ,
contestWeight: 0.30 ,
raceWeight: 0.30 ,
probable causeWeight: 0.30
Property | Similarity |
be held on days | 1.00 |
be held on different days | 0.97 |
be held on one day | 0.93 |
be held in years | 0.93 |
be held in off years | 0.92 |
is held | 0.90 |
be held 5 years | 0.89 |
be held on tuesdays | 0.88 |
held on tuesdays | 0.88 |
be for house of represntatives held two years | 0.87 |
Cues |
Evidence |