prison: be used to rehabilitation of inmate

from ConceptNet
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient

Related concepts

Parents structure
Weight: 0.58
, place
Weight: 0.57
, situation
Weight: 0.57
, officer
Weight: 0.57
, time
Weight: 0.56
Siblings capital punishment
Weight: 0.33
, courthouse
Weight: 0.32
, police officer
Weight: 0.32
, conviction
Weight: 0.32
, judge
Weight: 0.31

Related properties

Property Similarity
be used to rehabilitation of inmate 1.00
be used to house inmate 0.89
be used to reeducation of inmate 0.87
be used to hold prisoner 0.78
has poor psychiatric treatment 0.78
be administer in prison 0.77
be know as penitentiary 0.77
send person to prison 0.77
be hold in prison 0.77
be used to political prisoner 0.77

Priors about this statement


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Joint Necessity Sufficiency Implication Entailment Contradiction Entropy


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Plausible Typical Remarkable Salient


Remarkability exclusitivity between siblings

Rule weight: 0.13
Evidence weight: 0.75
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.72
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.35
¬ Remarkable(judge, send person to prison)
Rule weight: 0.13
Evidence weight: 0.68
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.72
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.44
¬ Remarkable(capital punishment, be administer in prison)

Remarkability from sibling implausibility

Rule weight: 0.60
Evidence weight: 0.93
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.44
Remarkable(capital punishment, be administer in prison)
Evidence: 0.31
¬ Plausible(capital punishment, be administer in prison)
Rule weight: 0.60
Evidence weight: 0.93
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.35
Remarkable(judge, send person to prison)
Evidence: 0.26
¬ Plausible(judge, send person to prison)

Salient implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.28
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.48
¬ Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)

Similarity expansion

Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.81
Similarity weight: 0.89
Evidence: 0.72
Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.67
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to house inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.94
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.50
Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.13
¬ Typical(prison, be hold in prison)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 0.87
Evidence: 0.72
Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.62
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to reeducation of inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.90
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.23
¬ Plausible(prison, be used to hold prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.89
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.50
Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.21
¬ Typical(prison, be know as penitentiary)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.79
Similarity weight: 0.87
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.51
¬ Plausible(prison, be used to reeducation of inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.79
Similarity weight: 0.87
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.41
¬ Salient(prison, be used to reeducation of inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.88
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.72
Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.44
¬ Remarkable(prison, has poor psychiatric treatment)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.76
Similarity weight: 0.89
Evidence: 0.50
Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.48
¬ Typical(prison, be used to house inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.75
Similarity weight: 0.89
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.48
¬ Salient(prison, be used to house inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.74
Similarity weight: 0.89
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.62
¬ Plausible(prison, be used to house inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.50
Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.35
¬ Typical(prison, be used to hold prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.34
¬ Salient(prison, has poor psychiatric treatment)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.83
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.72
Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.59
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to political prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.72
Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.64
¬ Remarkable(prison, be know as penitentiary)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.81
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.46
¬ Plausible(prison, has poor psychiatric treatment)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.71
Similarity weight: 0.87
Evidence: 0.50
Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.57
¬ Typical(prison, be used to reeducation of inmate)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.80
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.50
Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.40
¬ Typical(prison, be used to political prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.78
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.72
Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.77
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to hold prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.78
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.72
Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.76
¬ Remarkable(prison, be hold in prison)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.71
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.55
¬ Salient(prison, be used to political prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.70
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.73
¬ Plausible(prison, be used to political prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.63
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.50
Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.74
¬ Typical(prison, has poor psychiatric treatment)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.63
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.89
¬ Plausible(prison, be know as penitentiary)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.61
Similarity weight: 0.78
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.74
¬ Salient(prison, be used to hold prisoner)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.61
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.74
¬ Salient(prison, be know as penitentiary)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.61
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.93
¬ Plausible(prison, be hold in prison)
Rule weight: 0.85
Evidence weight: 0.59
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.79
¬ Salient(prison, be hold in prison)

Typical and Remarkable implies Salient

Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.82
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.48
Salient(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.50
¬ Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.72
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)

Typical implies Plausible

Rule weight: 0.48
Evidence weight: 0.79
Similarity weight: 1.00
Evidence: 0.58
Plausible(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.50
¬ Typical(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)

Typicality and Rermarkability incompatibility between siblings

Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.75
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.72
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.34
¬ Typical(capital punishment, be administer in prison)
Rule weight: 0.14
Evidence weight: 0.68
Similarity weight: 0.77
Evidence: 0.72
¬ Remarkable(prison, be used to rehabilitation of inmate)
Evidence: 0.45
¬ Typical(judge, send person to prison)