Parents |
nothing Weight: 0.25
Siblings |
perfection Weight: 0.21 ,
read bookWeight: 0.19 ,
reproduceWeight: 0.19 ,
pantWeight: 0.17 ,
entertainWeight: 0.17
Property | Similarity |
be used to have child | 1.00 |
requires have child | 0.97 |
be motivated by have child | 0.94 |
be motivated by child | 0.90 |
causes child | 0.90 |
causes have too many child | 0.88 |
causes you to have baby | 0.86 |
causes take care of child | 0.86 |
causes have baby | 0.85 |
be used to make baby | 0.82 |
Cues |
Evidence |