Parents |
label Weight: 0.59 ,
publicationWeight: 0.57 ,
termWeight: 0.57 ,
companyWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
liberal Weight: 0.34 ,
vanguardWeight: 0.32 ,
socialistWeight: 0.32 ,
address labelWeight: 0.32 ,
radicalWeight: 0.32
Property | Similarity |
be afraid of socialism | 1.00 |
hate democracy | 0.82 |
is really evil marxist communists | 0.81 |
is evil marxist communists | 0.79 |
is marxist communists | 0.78 |
be intolerant towards libertarians | 0.77 |
be called progressives | 0.75 |
Cues |
Evidence |