Parents |
song Weight: 0.53 ,
thingWeight: 0.52 ,
lineWeight: 0.45 ,
textureWeight: 0.44
Siblings |
snowflake Weight: 0.32 ,
rainWeight: 0.31 ,
rainbowWeight: 0.31 ,
caterpillarWeight: 0.31 ,
petalWeight: 0.31
Property | Similarity |
rain on my house | 1.00 |
rain down from sky | 0.85 |
happen after rain | 0.85 |
follow rain | 0.82 |
causes rain drop to fall | 0.80 |
be form by light pass thoughout rain | 0.79 |
be used to play in snow | 0.79 |
make you wet | 0.79 |
be at snow storm | 0.78 |
wet thing | 0.77 |
Cues |
Evidence |