Parents |
subject Weight: 0.51 ,
matterWeight: 0.49 ,
stageWeight: 0.47 ,
thingWeight: 0.45 ,
eventWeight: 0.41
Siblings |
raise Weight: 0.32 ,
public speakingWeight: 0.30 ,
drawingWeight: 0.30 ,
talkingWeight: 0.29 ,
financingWeight: 0.29
Property | Similarity |
be for economy | 1.00 |
be bad for economy | 0.95 |
help economy | 0.95 |
supposedly help economy | 0.88 |
stimulate economy | 0.86 |
affect job growth | 0.76 |
be bad for businesses | 0.76 |
Cues |
Evidence |