Parents |
inspiration Weight: 0.63 ,
doughWeight: 0.59 ,
peanut butterWeight: 0.57 ,
versionWeight: 0.57
Siblings |
spaghetti sauce Weight: 0.74 ,
macaroniWeight: 0.69 ,
pancakeWeight: 0.67 ,
apple sauceWeight: 0.66 ,
dessertWeight: 0.64
Property | Similarity |
say butter | 1.00 |
be called butter | 0.96 |
is butter | 0.95 |
use butter | 0.95 |
call for butter | 0.93 |
say unsalted butter | 0.89 |
call for unsalted butter | 0.86 |
use unsalted butter | 0.85 |
be called peanut butter | 0.85 |
was called peanut butter | 0.84 |
Cues |
Evidence |