Parents |
wind instrument Weight: 0.67 ,
instrumentWeight: 0.65 ,
musical instrumentWeight: 0.63 ,
woodwind instrumentWeight: 0.63 ,
deviceWeight: 0.63
Siblings |
percussion instrument Weight: 0.35 ,
laptop computerWeight: 0.34 ,
stringed instrumentWeight: 0.34 ,
electronic deviceWeight: 0.34 ,
negotiable instrumentWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
produce sound | 1.00 |
create sound | 0.92 |
make sound | 0.92 |
sound different | 0.86 |
sound bad | 0.85 |
produce music | 0.85 |
create sounds | 0.85 |
make sounds | 0.83 |
make sound through vibrations | 0.80 |
be provided with sound box | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |