Parents |
thing Weight: 0.40 ,
anythingWeight: 0.28 ,
nothingWeight: 0.28 ,
survivalWeight: 0.26 ,
operationWeight: 0.23
Siblings |
experiment Weight: 0.28 ,
characteristicWeight: 0.28 ,
microorganismWeight: 0.28 ,
attributeWeight: 0.28 ,
dim sumWeight: 0.28
Property | Similarity |
requires make one or more copy | 1.00 |
requires make copy | 0.94 |
be used to make copy | 0.93 |
requires copy | 0.91 |
causes make too many copy | 0.90 |
be used to copy | 0.89 |
causes copy | 0.88 |
requires turn on copy machine | 0.88 |
be used to increase copy | 0.86 |
be motivated by extra copy for gang | 0.79 |
Cues |
Evidence |