Parents |
vessel Weight: 0.73 ,
boatWeight: 0.56 ,
objectWeight: 0.55 ,
shipWeight: 0.54 ,
thingWeight: 0.51
Siblings |
speedboat Weight: 0.45 ,
schoonerWeight: 0.38 ,
tugboatWeight: 0.37 ,
kayakWeight: 0.36 ,
submarineWeight: 0.36
Property | Similarity |
be at any ocean | 1.00 |
be at ocean | 0.93 |
be find on ocean | 0.91 |
travel in sea and ocean | 0.89 |
be at surface of ocean | 0.88 |
travel ocean | 0.86 |
be used to hold ocean down | 0.86 |
be at bottom of ocean | 0.85 |
be at ocean floor | 0.85 |
be at sea | 0.85 |
Cues |
Evidence |