Parents |
institution Weight: 0.66 ,
restaurantWeight: 0.65 ,
placeWeight: 0.63 ,
areaWeight: 0.57 ,
homeWeight: 0.56
Siblings |
cafeteria Weight: 0.38 ,
gymnasiumWeight: 0.35 ,
public libraryWeight: 0.35 ,
fast food restaurantWeight: 0.35 ,
deliWeight: 0.34
Property | Similarity |
be used to eat lunch | 1.00 |
be used to eat to have lunch | 0.99 |
be used to eat lunch at school | 0.96 |
be used to lunch | 0.96 |
be used to eat meal | 0.93 |
sell lunch | 0.91 |
be used to serve lunch | 0.90 |
be used to provide lunch | 0.90 |
be used to school kid to eat their lunch | 0.90 |
be used to eat meal without cook | 0.89 |
Cues |
Evidence |